storytelling + brand


As a leader and hands-on practitioner, I’ve helped brands discover true north stars, leaders define industries, and teams deliver world-changing products and award-winning campaigns.

I was directly responsible for the following projects, in most cases leading strategy, crafting the experience, directing or personally designing the visual look & feel, managing teams of talented designers, writers and developers to scale and extend the projects you see here.

Caring about craft and outcomes is hugely important in building trust with stakeholders, team mates, or clients. I love going down rabbit holes with business strategists to come out the other side with a mission that will change the world, (in some small part).

I sweat pixel grids because visual designers do. I care about the user journey because I know UXer’s want people to be successful. I nerd out over the latest React libraries because I know my engineering partners love to build efficiently. I relish copy and design coming together like a manicured hand sliding into a perfectly fitted glove – because who doesn’t?

If you’re going to make something, make it great. Make it worth it.

Case studies

Brand Strategy | AI Product Strategy | Product Design | User Experience | Design Systems

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